Stalking the Pharmacist Read online

Page 4

  She sucked harder on her straw, nodded, and looked up at him with her big blue eyes. He groaned and shifted in his chair as blood flowed to his rapidly thickening cock. Would she look up at him like that when she sucked him? Would she even want to do that?

  “Agh…” He rubbed both hands over his face and tried to focus back on the topic at hand.

  “I can tell you about my ex-wife later, but that story’s pretty simple. We just couldn’t live together despite giving it a good go. But my brother’s the one I want to talk about.” He took a deep breath. “Scott’s ex isn’t as nice as mine.”

  Ashleigh’s head came up and she shot him a disbelieving look. “You said your ex was a selfish bitch.”

  Jack rolled his head around on his shoulders to release the tension talking about Kerry caused him. “She is. But Scott’s ex, Kerry, is so much worse.”

  Ashleigh returned to sucking on her milkshake and made gesturing motions with her hands. Now that he’d started, he had to finish it.

  “Kerry was,well—is—degrading, demanding, and self-centered. She got pregnant on the sly so Scott had to marry her, then set about taking him apart at every turn. I don’t know half of it because he doesn’t tell me everything, but he was a broken man when they finally divorced.”

  Their food was served and Jack picked up a chip, munching on it in an attempt to fill the cold in his gut. He didn’t want to tell Ash everything, but Kerry was beyond abusive. Emotional, physical at times, even screwing up Scott’s sex drive to the point that it took years to even get him back to dating.

  Ashleigh picked up her chicken wrap and began eating, chewing thoughtfully.

  “So, he’s a bit of a tortured hero huh?”

  A tortured what?

  Jack cocked his head and stared at the little smile playing across her lips. Did she actually like the idea of fixing his brother?


  She laughed and Jack’s brows lifted up high. What a sound! Like music designed just for him, it filled him with pleasure to hear it and see her so happy.

  “A tortured hero in a book is the main character who has all the qualities a hero should have. He’s intelligent, sexy, has a great sense of humor. But he’s been tortured and needs lots of love, affection, and sex to help him heal. He’s every woman’s dream, really.”

  Ash snapped her mouth shut and blushed, looking away like a child who’d got caught with their hand in the candy jar.

  Didn’t mean to say that much, Ash?

  “I’ll take your word for it. I wouldn’t know shit about book heroes.”

  Ash looked back at him, her eyes like huge saucers, waiting for something.

  “What?” He picked up his fork and kept eating. This woman sure was a puzzle.

  “I…umm…feel a bit stupid. I’m assuming things I shouldn’t.”

  Jack shrugged his big shoulders. He doubted it.

  “You’re pretty cluey, as smart as Scott probably, so I doubt you’re wrong. Whatcha assuming?”

  He watched her pick at her food and chew with a frown creasing her forehead. He couldn’t stop the automatic response to that as he reached over and smoothed the lines with his thumb, cupping her beautiful face in his palm when she turned toward him like a flower to the sun.

  “Fuck, you’re gorgeous.”

  Her cheeks grew redder and she glanced away. “Please don’t lie to me, Jack.”

  He laughed, loudly enough to draw attention. He didn’t care. Let them look. He was on his first date with the woman designed just for him. He couldn’t be happier.

  “You’re kidding me, right? I don’t lie, Ash. When I say you’re gorgeous, I’m understating it.”

  He turned his body so that he could look directly at her and lowered his voice. “And if I could be kissing you while being balls deep inside you right now, I would be.”

  “Jack!” Her eyes grew wide and her tone was outraged, yet color bloomed in her cheeks and she certainly wasn’t running away from him.

  He shrugged and let the chuckle rumble within his chest, happiness filling him up like a never-ending fountain. A few women in the past had enjoyed his erotic tongue, but the reactions he’d received were moderate. He had the feeling she’d be different. He’d be aiming to talk Ash to orgasm while they were in bed, and what a pleasure that would be.

  “So what were we talking about, Ash?”

  She stared at him for a moment, her expression softening and the frown smoothing out. He reached for his drink and took a sip.

  “You actually want me, don’t you?”

  The hot coffee spurted out of his mouth and sprayed across the table as he tried to cough and laugh at the same time. Lucky he’d aimed away from their food. He grabbed at the napkin and wiped his mouth and nose, glaring at the woman who’d made him do such a stupid thing.

  “Of course we do! What do you think this is all about?”

  When she just continued to stare at him, he sighed and forced himself to slow down.

  “Sorry, Ash, I forget you haven’t grown up within our family and you don’t know much about how perfect pairs work.”

  Ash smiled at him and made a nodding move that he took to mean she wanted him to continue.

  “Perfect pairs, as you’ve probably been told by Rosalie, are a set of nonidentical twin boys who are both exact opposites and compliments to each other.”

  “No female perfect pairs exist?” Ash asked, and Jack grinned at her. He’d wondered that himself when he’d been younger.

  “No, not that we know of. Anyway, what it means for us is that we can offer our mate a combination of physical and personality attributes that don’t usually exist in one male. I’m pretty rough-and-ready, and Scott’s quieter and more proper. I’m more likely just to throw you onto the bed and kiss you, whereas Scott likes to talk about everything.”

  Ash gave him a strange look. “Have you shared women before?”

  Jack shuddered. “No, not at all. That was our main objection to the legend. Neither of us liked the idea of sharing one woman.”

  When Ash’s smile drooped and her gaze fell to her lap he could have kicked himself.

  He reached out and lifted her chin up with his fingers.

  “That was, until we met you, our true mate. We are designed to love you, together, and finally I know why. You’re an amazing woman, Ash, and I know that you need more than I can give you alone. Between us, Scott and I will fulfill all your emotional and physical needs.” He leaned forward and waggled his eyebrows at her. “And I, for one, can’t wait to start.”

  A soft laugh left Ash as she looked up at him, shaking her head slowly.

  “How do you make me believe that so easily?”

  She picked up her wrap and began to eat again, humming a little as she ate. Was she happy now? Was that a rhetorical question? Man, this woman really was a puzzle.

  “Because I mean it. We’ve been waiting for you our whole lives.”

  Ash giggled and continued eating, speaking between bites.

  “Me? Are you sure? You know I’m fat and I’m lousy in the bedroom? I’ve heard nothing but negative comments for years, and yet you think you can wipe it all away with one touch and make me into someone I’m not?”

  Jack sat back and picked up his coffee. This was the core issue.

  “Sweetheart, you are neither fat, nor bad in bed, and I’ll prove it to you. We’ve always been told that our perfect mate will match us in every way. Do you know what that is for me?”

  Ash shook her head, looking up at him with sparkling, beautiful blue eyes.

  “Tell me.”

  He searched his own soul and brought up everything he’d ever wanted in a woman.

  “I could say I want someone with a high sex drive, who makes me laugh and will stick around forever, but do you know what I really want? A woman who’ll, of her own desires, kiss me every day.”


  Jack shrugged. That about covered it. If a woman wanted to kiss him, then the other thin
gs would fall into place.

  “I like affection, and my ex wasn’t affectionate at all. I want to wake up with you wrapped around me, feel your hands on me. Then I want you to kiss me when I go to work, kiss me over dinner. I need touch, sex as well, but affection is separate. More important. You think you can handle that?”

  A tear welled and flowed down Ash’s cheek, and she let it drip onto her t-shirt unchecked.

  “What about the housework? Don’t you want someone who cooks your meals, keeps the house clean?”

  Jack laughed. “I have a cleaner, and I cook for myself. I’m pretty simple. I want someone who loves me, Ash, and who I can love in return. I need a woman with a heart, who accepts me for exactly who I am, and shares that love with me.”

  Fuck, you’re saying way too much, buddy.

  He clamped his mouth shut and watched as Ash slid closer to him. He didn’t want to force her into anything; it was so important that she feel as though everything she did was by choice.

  She looked down at the table, biting her lip and gradually drawing her gaze back up to his. She inhaled deeply and turned toward him, lifting her hands to cup his face. He closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the warmth of her palms against his skin. His eyelids snapped open again as he felt her drawing him to her for a kiss. She hesitated for a moment just before their lips met, her blue eyes showing so much uncertainty Jack had to clamp down on his need to take over and reassure her with words and touches just how much he wanted her.

  She lifted her chin and their lips met, a mutual sigh rising from both of them. He let her guide him, her tongue teasing the seam of his lips before sliding in. Her touch spread through his senses and he moaned, reaching for her and bringing her as close as he could get her while tasting her soft lips and unique scent.

  His inner mountain lion stood up and purred, not wanting to take over, just preening in happiness. They’d found her.

  Ash pulled back, her pupils dilated. “I’m a workaholic, I’m too pedantic about how I like things, I…”

  She bit her lip, and Jack kissed the tip of her nose.

  “I love the fact that you’re intelligent and hardworking. Be as pedantic as you like, just try not to rip me apart when I don’t fall into line.”

  Because if she wanted a lap dog, they’d be in trouble. Though surely fate wouldn’t design a woman for him like that? Impossible.

  Ash shook her head quickly. “No, I wouldn’t. It’s just my things.”

  He kissed her forehead, her nose, her now slightly swollen pink lips.

  “Fantastic. But you’ll kiss me every day? Smile at me and make me happy to be just as I am?”

  Ash hiccuped out a laugh. “You make it sound so easy and yet I don’t even live here! I’m on holidays for one week. How are we meant to find out if we suit in such a short amount of time, let alone the question of what we’ll do if we do want to stay together.”

  Jack waved his hands to dismiss such foolish talk. “Don’t even use the word ‘if’ in that sentence. And don’t worry about all that, sweetheart. We’ll sort something out. Jobs are flexible, and homes can be bought and sold. You’re the most important thing for me. I don’t care about anything else.”

  Ash stared at him, her beautiful blue eyes swimming with tears again.

  A cold wave slipped over Jack, and he forced himself to face one of his biggest insecurities.

  “Can you deal with the fact that I’m just a footballer? I know you think I’m not bright enough for you, but that’s where Scott kicks in. He’s super smart.”

  Ash pressed her lips to his mouth and just held herself there, melting against him and pushing waves of acceptance at him.

  When she pulled back, her eyes were blazing with heat.

  “Maybe you can teach me a thing or two about football so I can appreciate the game more?”

  You bloody magnificent woman!

  He chuckled and slid off the seat, pulling her with him so they were soon standing next to the table. He took out his wallet and dropped some cash, more than enough to cover the cost, on the bill.

  “So, where are we going? You wanna see my property? Go find Scott, perhaps?”

  She shook her head and gave him the most sultry look he’d ever seen. His stomach muscles clenched and his breath hitched in his throat as he waited for her to make the next move.

  “No. I think you should take me back to the motel. I need to know if there is any truth to what you’ve been saying to me, Jack, and that means I need you to touch me.”

  Surprise and lust moved over Jack in alternate waves, making his belly flutter and his groin tighten. He grinned at her and planted one more fast kiss on her succulent lips before grabbing her hand and linking their fingers once again. He liked having at least one hand on her at all times.

  “Sure, sweetheart. That sounds like the perfect plan to me.”

  They made their way to his car and were back at her motel within minutes.

  Chapter Five

  Ash slipped her key into the lock and took a shaking, deep breath. Her tummy was tight and jumpy, yet she turned around and smiled as she took one of the most reckless steps of her life to date. “Do you want to come in?”

  Jack grinned and rocked back on his heels as he stood opposite her in the hallway of the motel. His smile was devilishly handsome and his eyes sparkled with mischief.

  “Course I do. You sure you want me to?”

  Ash nodded and turned her back on her big footballer, opening the door with hands that shook.

  She stepped through and held back the door as Jack walked in, his swagger exaggerated as he moved. Butterflies wiggled and fluttered inside her belly, her palms hot and sweaty as she rubbed them against her pants.

  Jack wanted her, and if she was being honest—boy did she want him. For the first time in years, she really wanted to be with a man, feel his body on top of hers, the raw strength of him consuming her. No one had ever inspired such needs in her before. Her insecurities regarding her body and the true depth of her lover’s feelings for her always inhibited her responses. Jack’s honesty and animal need for her seemed to wipe all of that away.

  He was simply huge. Broad shoulders that tapered into a lean waist, an ass so fine she was dying to dig her nails into it. He prowled into the room, radiating a sexual beat loud enough to drown out a rock concert.

  He turned around and looked at her, his blue eyes burning. He opened his arms out wide. “You gonna come here, my beautiful woman?”

  His words sank into her, slipping around the guard she held around her heart and penetrating deep. She’d invited him to her room, yet he was still giving her free choice. There wasn’t going to be any uncomfortable, forced groping with this man. “I’m not yours yet, Jack,” she teased as she walked forward, unable to resist the pull.

  Jack was gorgeous, it was true, but her inability to resist him was built on so much more than that.

  “Why do I feel so safe with you?” She looked up at him as she moved closer, gasping as his big hands grabbed her ass and pulled her against him.

  Heat flared in her belly and she stifled the moan that rose from the pressure his body against hers aroused.

  He squeezed her rump and grinned, his face lighting up with that cheeky, happy smile that she was beginning to associate with him. It made her heart feel light, elated.

  “Because you are mine, Ash. You’re our fated mate. This was planned long before we even existed. That’s what our ancestors believe, anyway.”

  His soft lips pressed against hers gently and she pulled back so she could look at him, slipping her arms around his solid neck. He smelled so good. Like hazelnuts and man. She stroked the hair at his nape and flexed her fingers against his strong neck muscles.

  He shivered and she smiled up at him, hope flaring in her heart.

  “You mean, like soul mates or something?”

  He nodded, his hands moving up to stroke her back before he circled her waist with his palms. Warm tingles spread through her
body wherever his skin touched hers, making her muscles relax and turn to mush.

  “Yep. We’re everything you need, and you’re perfect for us. I have no doubt.”

  Ash giggled, not quite sure how to respond to such an extraordinarily bold statement. Dare she listen to his silver tongue? If what he was saying was actually true, then her life had changed forever. She wasn’t just a hopeless workaholic with a recent divorce. She would finally have what she’d always secretly craved, but could she truly trust him? What would be the cost?

  Her thoughts were put on hold as Jack captured her mouth with his. His lips were hot, strong and persistent against her. She let her eyes slide closed and willingly gave herself up to the storm. Jack’s hand cupped her cheek and she opened her lips for his questing tongue.

  Pleasure spread through her body as he took over her mouth, his lips creating magic between them as she pressed herself closer. Her knees sagged and he grabbed her ass tightly, pulling her against him as their mouths stayed locked together.

  She needed to feel him. He wasn’t close enough.

  Ash slid her hands down his chest and lifted the front of his t-shirt, breaking their kiss when she felt hot skin beneath her palms. She looked down and sighed at the sight of rippled muscles and let him pull back from her so he could remove it.

  Jack pulled his top off over his head in that distinctly masculine way, then let it drop to the carpeted floor.

  “Oh God, you’re magnificent.”

  She couldn’t stop staring. He was huge. Massive shoulders, large flat pecs, and biceps so thick she’d struggle to encircle with both hands.

  He grinned and reached again for her. “As long as you like what you see.”

  She swallowed and nodded. No way was she getting undressed in front of this man. The room was far too bright with the light on. She’d left the blinds down when they’d left for lunch, and it was the middle of the day, but she would get some reprieve from full exposure if the room was a bit darker.

  “Can we turn the lights off?” She turned to move over to the switch, but he made tsking noises and shook his head as he stepped up closer.

  “No way. I’m not missing out on seeing every inch of you this first time.”