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Stalking the Pharmacist Page 3
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Page 3
Jack shrugged, not particularly caring about that at the moment. All he wanted to know was when and how he could get into Ash’s pants. His body was aching in the weirdest way. Like when he needed a run, he was jumpy and tight, yet he’d worked out this morning pretty hard. Exercise wasn’t the solution to his current predicament.
He knew he needed some sex, preferably something long, hard, and all-consuming. Not that he’d had any decent sex in a long time, but hey, there were always women around if he really needed them.
Yeah right. Like you’ll touch another woman now that you’ve met Ash.
“Jack! I didn’t realize you were here.”
Speak of the devil, here comes one of those available women now…
“I think I’ll take my leave, Jack.”
“Yeah, no worries, Uncle John.” He gave his uncle a wink and the old man shook his head with a chuckle and moved away.
Jack turned to greet the woman who wanted his attention.
“Tania, how are you?”
The little redhead went up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the lips, lingering a little too long for just a hello. He pulled back, feeling a chill sneak up his spine.
He swung his gaze in that direction to find Ash glaring at him, before she quickly moved back into the circle of dancers.
Jack grinned, happiness filling him up at her obvious display of jealousy. He turned back to Tania, who cooed and made slutty eyes at him.
“I’m good, Jack, but you never called me back for a second date. Naughty, naughty.”
She smacked him lightly on the hand, and he bit back the warning growl that rose. She didn’t know yet, no one did, but he was officially off the market. Forever.
“No darlin’, I didn’t and I can’t now. Can you let the women know that Scott and I have found our perfect mate?”
He broke the news with a smile, but it didn’t stop the little hellcat’s expression from clouding, her eyes practically spitting fire up at him. Bloody shifter women and their fiery tempers.
“You’re fucking kidding me! Since when?”
Jack grinned at her and couldn’t help the little tap he gave her under her chin. She really was ugly when she let her true personality come out.
“Nope, I’m not. Does it matter when? Just spread the word for us, okay?”
Tania hissed through her teeth, and Jack stared down at the woman he’d taken into his bed on only one occasion. One time too many. He’d rarely met a more selfish female in his life. His mind shifted to Ashleigh and the change she would make to their life. His belly fluttered with excitement. He would never have to date another woman ever again.
He laughed as Tania flung her hair over her shoulder and sauntered away. He never thought he’d be happy to see the end of his single life, but he was. Deliriously so. If Tyler and Brandon’s obvious contentment was anything to go by, then his and Scott’s future was suddenly looking a hell of a lot brighter.
John reappeared suddenly and tapped him on the shoulder. “Looks like she’s leaving.”
Jack’s gaze snapped back to the dance floor to see Ash picking up a coat and kissing the bride goodbye.
“Thanks for the heads-up, Uncle John.”
Jack jumped off the patio and headed over to where his woman stood, enjoying the nervous flutter within his belly as he approached her. He hadn’t felt this excited over a female since he was a teenager.
Ash pulled out her mobile and tapped at the screen a few times.
“You need a lift?”
She looked up at him with eyes clouded by alcohol. Those pretty blue irises sharpened in a moment when she realized who he was.
Good girl. You’re aware of me too, aren’t you, beautiful?
“No. I’m calling a taxi, thank you.”
Laura stepped up beside him, squeezing his arm. “Ash, let Jack take you home. He’s safe as pie, I promise.”
Well, he wouldn’t say that himself, but he appreciated Laura’s support.
“Where are you staying? The Trenthy Inn?”
It was the only decent accommodation this side of the city, and he wouldn’t want her staying anywhere else.
She nodded, glancing from Laura to him like an animal pressed into a corner.
“Thanks, Jack.” Laura patted him on the shoulder like it was all sorted and headed back to her party.
Ash sighed, her shoulders sagging in defeat as she placed her mobile back into her bag and pulled on a black jacket.
“Shouldn’t you be taking someone else home?”
Jack shook his head, placed a hand on the small of her back, and began guiding her around the house and toward his car.
“No, my brother went home hours ago.”
“I was talking about the redhead.”
The words were said with such spite Jack couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips. “Jealous, beautiful? You don’t need to be. I told her to take a hike.”
Ash’s eyes flicked up at him in shock before she pulled the jacket tighter around her body.
“This is mine.” He indicated the silver four-wheel drive, and she moved around to the passenger side.
He clicked the button and the lights flashed. Ash slid in and buckled her seat belt.
He shook his head and moved to his own door. She was such an independent little thing.
Jack climbed in and started the car, carefully negotiating around the street still full of vehicles. The party would go well into the night, probably only stopping when the sun peaked over the mountains. He turned the radio on and began to hum, not wanting to rush her or be pushy. Trenthy was a good twenty minutes away.
She stared out the window for the first five minutes, then turned back to him with a jerk and a huff.
“Why didn’t you go home with the redhead? She wanted you.”
Jack grinned at her before he returned his gaze to the road.
“Because I’m done dating. I told her that Scott and I were no longer single and that she needed to tell the rest of the women.”
“The other women? Why would she need to do that?”
Jack shrugged, not quite sure she wanted all the details about their shifter family just yet.
“We have a pretty tight-knit community. Word will spread quickly.”
Ash crossed her arms, then went back to staring out the window.
Butterflies fluttered like crazy in Jack’s belly as he held his breath and waited for her to ask the more obvious question.
Go on, beautiful. I know you wanna know.
Her expression was angry yet her words lacked heat when they finally filled the quiet of the truck’s cabin.
“But why are you both now off the market?”
Jack glanced over to find her still staring out the window. Why not tell her? She’d obviously seen the marriage/mating today, and someone must have told her about them.
“Because we’ve met our perfect mate. Finally! After twenty long years, it’s about time, really.”
The Trenthy Inn was up ahead and Jack slowed down to park on the opposite side of the street. He turned the engine off and unclipped his seat belt, watching as she did the same.
“You don’t mean…” She finally lifted her head and looked at him, her blue eyes wide and as deep as an ocean. It looked like he could dive straight in.
“I do.”
He reached over and cupped her face, pulling her toward him as he moved to meet her halfway. Their lips met and Jack gasped as surges of spiraling pleasure consumed him. He pulled her closer, sliding his tongue between her open lips and tasting her for the first time.
Oh wow!
He shuddered where he sat, his body in an ecstasy it had never felt before, confirming without a doubt that she was the one. Her sweet mouth was addictive and his heart stuttered in his chest. She moaned and pulled away, looking up with eyes full of lust laced with fear.
Ash had tingles of heat swamping her senses, running down her arms and legs and playi
ng havoc with her hormones. She needed this man on a carnal level she’d never experienced within herself before. Her core was aching and tight, wanting.
“What…why?” She couldn’t put a full sentence together as she stared up at the gorgeous man who had just kissed her. Memories of her marriage came flooding back.
She straightened up and ignored the pleasure coiling in her belly. Not again, no. She’d promised herself, never again.
“Thanks for the lift, Jack.”
She grabbed her bag and opened the door, her knees shaking as she stepped out of the vehicle and began the trek to her room.
Oh God, I can’t even walk!
The huge car was the perfect way to stay upright as she clung to the hood and pulled herself around the SUV. Just a hundred feet and she’d be inside the front door. She had to get the key out of her bag…
“What’s your story, little spitfire?” Jack came around to her side and wrapped his arm around her waist, supporting her as she made her way across the road and up the stairs to the front door. His strength and warmth drew her in, so she couldn’t resist pressing against him, her need to be close to him almost as startling as the instant lust that flared.
“My story?”
“Yeah, your story.”
Jack easily lifted her up the last step, then let go of her slowly. As his heat left her, it felt like she’d just stepped out of a hot shower into a cold room. A whimper escaped her throat before she clenched her teeth tightly together.
Jack grinned and stayed close as Ash let them into the building and moved along the small corridor and up to the room. Her room. Should she ask him in? No. It was too soon for that, but amazingly, she was actually tempted. If his kisses were anything to go by, then he would be an amazing lover.
She turned to look at him. He tapped his chest with his finger as he started to speak.
“I got married twenty years ago to a selfish little bitch. I thought she wanted me but soon found out it was just the football fame and money side of things she was interested in.”
Ash felt her eyebrows fly high on her forehead, and her eyes widened. Seriously? The man in front of her, despite her initial reservations, was obviously lovely—and bloody gorgeous. What kind of woman would only want him for his money?
“You’re kidding me?”
He shook his head, his eyes serious as he continued to stare at her.
“We have two teenage sons and they live with their mum in the city. I talk to them every couple of days and they come visit every few weeks. My ex and I are pretty civil, but she was never the right person for me.”
All the strength in Ash began to drain away. This man was so honest and blunt, not to mention totally fucking hot. How was she going to withstand his advances if he chose to pursue her?
Maybe a little of her own history would put him off?
“I was married for five years to a man with small-man syndrome.”
Jack flinched. “Ouch.”
She shrugged, trying her best not to grimace as feelings of inadequacy flowed over her.
“As I became more successful with work he became more controlling, more emotionally abusive. In the end, I practically ran away and can’t imagine ever trusting a man again.”
She eyed him, needing to get her point across. She wasn’t good enough for these men.
“Jack, you and Scott are obviously great guys, but you’re wrong if you think I’m this perfect mate. As my ex-husband would tell you, I’m fat, lazy, bad in bed, and selfish. You don’t really want me. No one does.”
Jack laughed, then coughed to cover it as she glared at him.
How could he laugh when she’d just admitted all of her faults to him? Did he really think she was joking?
He stepped up to her and slipped his hands around her waist, gripping her large ass and pulling her into the cradle of his pelvis.
“Sweetheart, you are beautiful, and fiery, and everything about you is a fucking huge turn-on. If your abusive idiot ex convinced you that you weren’t enough woman for him, then that’s his problem. It was he who wasn’t enough for you. You are more than enough for me and my brother.”
And that was the other thing! She wasn’t being shared between two men!
“About that. You can’t honestly think I’ll just fall into bed with you guys…”
Jack’s blue eyes sparkled with mirth as his mouth descended, effectively shutting off all communication between her brain and her ability to speak.
His kisses were like magic. They made her arms encircle his neck to hold him close, and all thoughts vanished. His soft lips made her moan as her eyes slid shut and she let herself be carried away in a maelstrom of sensation.
When he finally lifted his head, she couldn’t remember what she’d meant to say.
“How ’bout I pick you up tomorrow and take you out for lunch? I can tell you more about my brother then.”
He kissed her gently on the nose, turned, and bounded down the stairs while she fell back against the door, her knees weak as water.
“What about Scott?”
Jack grinned up at her and waved. “Get inside so I know you’re safe, and I’ll see you at noon tomorrow.”
Ash sighed and nodded, giving in to her body’s need to lie down. She unlocked the door to her room and collapsed onto her soft bed.
So Scott had some secrets, did he? Ash sighed and gently ran her hands over her full breasts and ample thighs. How did Jack make her feel so sexy and desirable? She’d never felt that way before.
She undressed quickly and slid beneath the covers. It was such a luxury to be in a bed that was made for her every day with sheets she didn’t have to wash herself.
Her ex would never allow her to hire any help for their home, yet she made enough money to pay for a cleaner, ironing lady, and chef if she really wanted to.
She pulled the cover up over her head and groaned aloud as her situation played around inside her head. Despite her reservations, something just kept pulling her back to Jack and everything he encompassed.
Boring old Ash and two hot men. Who would have thought?
Chapter Four
Jack pulled up outside the café, his woman in his car.
“Ready, beautiful?”
Ash frowned at him but nodded. For an intelligent, once married woman, she sure was a skittish thing.
“What’s wrong?” He undid his seat belt and jumped out of the car.
He rounded the trunk and stepped up to help her out of her side.
Yeah right.
“You frowned when I said, ready beautiful?”
She looked away as red slashed across her rounded cheeks.
“I’m not beautiful, Jack. And I’ve never handled compliments well, especially when they aren’t true.”
Oh God, that bastard really did a number on you, didn’t he, sweetheart?
“Really, well…” Jack pulled Ash around so that she was facing him, and held her tight against his body, sliding his hands into the back pockets of her jeans. He gently thrust his pelvis in an obvious way and looked directly into her eyes.
“Ash, you have a beautiful face, the hottest ass I’ve ever seen in denim, and I cannot wait to get you naked and see what the rest of you looks like.”
She slapped at his chest and tried to pull away, but he could see the reluctant smile on her full lips.
“Come on, Ash. Let’s get something to eat before I drag you back to my bedroom so I can feast on you.”
He grabbed hold of her hand and she gripped him tight, her breath hitching as though she were nervous when he led her into the café.
“Booth for two,” he said to the waitress, who directed them to a corner that was perfect for secret touches. They slid into place on the leather booth seat and ordered quickly. As the waitress left, he grinned like a cat who’d just scored a saucer of cream. He had her all to himself again.
“I almost don’t want to bring Scott into this. I’m having too much
fun with you myself.”
He grabbed her and pulled her along the leather seat until they were hip to hip and he could slide his hand over her thigh and grip the denim above her knee.
She muffled a squeal and pushed his hand farther down her thigh.
Fuck, his hormones were high. He could feel the adrenaline sliding through his bloodstream, his muscles bulking and stretching with strength. The coiling tension centered deep in his belly, making his cock ache.
Gratitude flowed through him as he said a silent prayer of thanks.
Over the past five years, his sex drive had waned. He got bored so easily and the women he dated didn’t touch his heart in any way. It was exhausting to make himself bed women so he could get enough physical touch and intimacy to survive. But for Ashleigh, his body had turned back into its twenty-year-old self. All raging hormones and grunt. He’d trained this morning at the gym and had been able to lift more than he ever had. He had a spring in his step too. There was something to look forward to for the first time in years.
“Why do you have to bring Scott into anything? Are you going to explain more about this perfect pair thing?”
He grinned at her, a fluttering of pride springing to life. He’d never dated a woman with intelligence before. He’d been happy if they could manage a little bit of common sense. But Ashleigh was smart, very smart. She’d keep him and Scott on their toes.
“Ah, so someone did tell you about us?”
She nodded, glancing toward the waitress who was dropping off their drinks.
“Rosalie told me about the family trait. You and Scott are a perfect pair like Brandon and Tyler, right?”
He grunted and took a sip of his cappuccino.
“We are. But we stupidly ignored all the legends that told us to wait for our perfect mate, and we married the wrong women for us. We’ve been paying for it ever since.”
With a slight frown on her face, Ashleigh pulled her milkshake forward and took a long drink through the pink straw.
“What do you mean by that?”
Jack sighed, dread sinking his heart. It seemed too early to be airing dirty washing. It could cause a rift, or worse, give her an excuse to leave.
“Promise to hear me out all the way to the end?”