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Stalking the Pharmacist Page 7

  “Well, I’m half in love with the woman and if you were any sort of brother you’d at least want to meet her for more than a few minutes and get to know her!” A soft growl came through the phone, and Jack grinned. Jealously may not be the best way to go, but calling on Scott’s family integrity would definitely get the man’s attention. “I know you’re not interested in being a three-part family, but Ash is awesome and I want her.”

  Another strangled noise and a huff. “Still don’t see why I have to see her.”

  Strange butterflies whipped around Jack’s belly as he heard the strain in his brother’s voice. Scott was confused, and that meant he was thinking things over.

  Jack knew that they were destined to love Ash together, knew it all the way to his bones. They’d been wrong, so wrong, about everything. He and Scott had gone against their fate, believing they knew better, and they’d paid dearly.

  He clenched his teeth and let out a soft whine.

  Yes, they’d fucked up, but they’d found their mate now and she needed more than just him. He and Scott were a perfect pair. They were designed to love one woman and give her everything she needed.

  “Because you’re my brother. If I convince her that I need her, she’ll be moving here. I want you to be a part of our lives, and besides…aren’t you at least a tad curious?”

  Scott huffed and puffed a minute, then went quiet.

  “Okay, I’ll join you guys for dinner. But don’t expect anything more than that, Jack. I’m happy as I am.”

  Jack grinned so big his cheeks ached.

  “I know, bro. See you at O’Meara’s at six thirty.”


  Scott stood on the nature strip and took a deep breath in through his mouth. He let it out slowly, his shoulders sagging from their too high position near his ears. A strange swirl was making his belly feel sick. He didn’t want to do this, he really didn’t.

  He glanced in through the glass door of the only nice restaurant in Trenthy and felt as though something akin to a two-by-four smacked him squarely in the gut.

  There she is.

  Everything in him relaxed and purred, his lion supremely happy with fate’s choice. His gaze practically devoured her healthy, glowing skin and the huge smile Ash was giving his brother who sat across the table from her.

  Could he really do this? Meet Ash as his brother’s girlfriend, then walk away.

  He shook his head and reached for the door handle, even though he knew he wouldn’t be able to walk away once he got to know her.

  Then run! What are you doing?

  His hand shook as he pulled open the door and stepped over the threshold, the light of the brightly lit room making him blink as he took another deep breath to calm the racing of his heart.

  Together, he and Jack had decided that their fated mate didn’t exist. After his horrendous marriage, he was certain he’d end up alone. He still may, of course, but he’d been wrong about one thing. She was most definitely real.

  Each step he took through the restaurant made his thigh muscles flex and shake a little. He was certain he’d end up alone, but as he walked closer to Ash, the inevitability of his new future now felt like a river breaking its banks and flowing over new land. Was he really going to have a new future?

  This wasn’t what was meant to happen; he’d wanted to hold on to his pain forever. That might have sounded stupid, but it was what he knew, and where he was comfortable.

  He stepped up to the table, his skin now slicked with an uncomfortable sheen of sweat as Ash turned toward him. Her quick intake of breath and the lust swirling in her eyes made him want to sink to his knees and thank whatever supreme being had sent her his way.

  “Hi, Scott.”

  Her voice was husky and soothing, yet warm and welcoming like a spring rain. Swallowing past the lump that rose up his throat, he rubbed at the aching spot on his chest where his heart was kicking out at him. He’d never believed in love at first sight, but God, if there was such a thing, this was it.

  “Sit down.” Jack pulled out a chair next to him, and Scott fell into it, absurdly having to blink away hot tears as Ash continued to smile at him like he’d just come home.

  He coughed and cleared his throat, picking up the menu lying on the table in front of him.

  Cool, stay cool. You have no idea if she even wants you as her second mate yet.

  “You guys ordered yet?”

  Jack moved from the chair next to him and slid onto the seat next to Ash, his arm moving around her with familiarity as he pulled her close.

  Scott held his breath and almost groaned as Ash settled against his brother, her gaze flicking up to Jack’s face with a smile before turning back to him.

  Oh that’s right. They’re dating, and you’re just the third wheel. Fuck!

  “No, we were waiting for you. I’ve never been here before. Can you recommend anything, Scott?” Ash smiled at him again, and Scott stared down at the printed words on the white paper. His eyes kept crossing, which made it impossible to read. He breathed deep through his nose as he fought with the molten anger flowing through him.

  “Ah…” He made humming noises as he struggled with his breathing, his throat closing up on him.

  Jack spoke in his stead. “The steak’s good, but I haven’t tried much else.”

  Scott looked up at his grinning twin. The bloody caveman wouldn’t eat much else.

  “The white wine risotto’s nice and so is the salmon.” He looked at Ash and forced the red haze from his brain. He could be happy for his brother, he could…

  Yeah, with the one woman designed for you too!

  Oh shut the hell up!

  Scott frowned and turned to call a waiter over. He couldn’t even control his own thoughts at the moment.

  “Can we get some drinks?”

  The waiter nodded and pulled out his pad and pen.

  “I’ll have a glass of cab sauv. Ash?” He turned toward the happy couple and clenched his teeth so tightly together pain splintered along his jaw.

  Jack had Ash’s lips firmly pressed against his, his hand cupping her face with a reverence that was almost beautiful to watch.

  He glared back at the waiter, who looked down as fast as he could to avoid Scott’s gaze.

  “I’ll have the chicken risotto. No mushrooms, extra Parmesan.”

  Jack’s voice sounded behind him. “Ash, honey, what would you like?”

  Scott forced his gaze back to them.

  “I’ll have a glass of chardonnay and the duck, please.”

  Good choice.

  “Steak, medium rare and a beer, thanks.”


  The waiter left and Scott concentrated on his body’s movements. Breath still flowing in and out, he linked his fingers in his lap and relaxed the tight muscles in his arms as much as possible.

  “What did you guys do today?”

  He could do this, he could. He’d made his choice, told Jack he didn’t want her…now he had to man up and live with it. Didn’t he?

  Ash giggled and looked up at Jack, the blood in her cheeks making her shine even brighter than she already had been.

  “We just stayed in bed, mostly. Talked about life, past crap, everything and anything.”

  Flutters of unease rippled through Scott’s belly as he looked between his brother and Ash. They wouldn’t have discussed him, would they?

  “Past stories?” He forced a smile to his face and some humor into his voice. “Like the football games Jack led to victory?”

  Ash smiled and leaned against the man she had obviously been intimate with already.

  Acid burned in Scott’s gut so bad he had to lay a hand on his abs to still the spasms.

  “Yeah, but more important stuff than that too. If I really am the person that fate designed for you two…” She stopped and Scott’s heart jumped in his chest. “I’m sorry. I mean, for Jack, I suppose…anyway…then I want to know about the good and the bad.”

  Scott’s heart was
thumping so hard it made him sick every time it hit his ribs.

  “Like what?” His voice squeaked as he asked the question, and he coughed to clear his throat.

  The waiter delivered their drinks, and he lifted his glass in desperation for something cool in his throat.

  Jack leaned forward and lifted his beer.

  “To new beginnings and to you, Ash. You are a godsend, my beautiful girl.”

  Ash blushed and clinked her glass with Jack’s, turning to do the same thing to his.

  Scott couldn’t think properly; it felt like everything was moving in slow motion. He nodded and drank half the glass in one swallow.

  The peppery liquid slid down his throat and he shook his head to clear the regrets floating around the cavernous space.

  “What did you get up to today?” Jack asked him, his eyebrows rising in question.

  Scott shrugged, feeling his lion rising within him, needing another run.

  “Nothing much. Went for a run, did some work.”

  Their meals were served, and Scott’s stomach rumbled as the sweet chicken scent filled his nostrils. He lifted his arm automatically and dug into one of his favorite dishes.

  As his stomach filled and his body relaxed, he found he could breathe a little easier.

  “So, tell me about your work, Scott. Jack was hopeless at explaining what you do.”

  Scott rolled his eyes at his brother, who shrugged and kept eating his huge lump of meat.

  “I do research for the government.”

  He picked up his glass and took the last sip of his wine, savoring the taste of the red wine while the warmth of it swilled around his palate and down his throat.

  “What sort of research?”

  Scott froze, then slowly set his glass down. No one ever asked him a question past the initial one. In fact, his answer usually ended a conversation. Who wanted to know about boring research, especially when his brother, the footballer, was around?

  “Genetic research into the origins of cellular memory and possible uses of junk DNA.”

  Ash’s eyes lit up and she straightened in her chair.

  “Really? That is awesome! Tell me more.”

  Scott stared at her for a moment, taking in her excited features, and shrugged. He couldn’t tell her too much because of his sector being funded by the government, but he could tell her some things.

  He began talking about his work, giving her more details than he’d ever given anyone, because she was the only one who’d ever pushed for a real answer. She asked intelligent questions and knew a lot more cellular anatomy than he’d thought a pharmacist would.

  The waiter came and cleared away their plates, and Jack drew Ash back into the circle of his arms.

  She smiled a little stiffly, flicking her gaze back and forth for a moment before settling in against Jack’s side.

  A heavy weight settled into his belly as he watched Jack’s fingers slide up and down Ash’s bare arm.

  The waiter came back with a smile. “Would you like to order some coffees?”

  Scott shook his head and glanced back at the beautiful woman staring at him with massive blue eyes and the fullest lips he’d ever seen.

  Jack grinned at him. “You wanna come back to my place for another drink?”

  Air whistled through Scott’s teeth as he inhaled sharply. He nodded before he could talk himself out of this very stupid decision and stood up, not quite sure what he’d do when it was just the three of them.

  The draw toward Ash was so intense it was going to be almost impossible to stay away from her if he had the opportunity to touch her. What would she taste like?

  His mountain lion purred within him and he forced his shaking legs forward to the front of the restaurant to pay.

  If she was his destiny, shouldn’t he put himself to the ultimate test? Then he would make the decision, once he had all the information.

  Chapter Eight

  Jack drove Ash back to his place, while his lion practically danced inside him with excitement. His skin tingled and his muscles bulged with the effort to keep the strong animal contained. He’d made the decision not to join with his mate. Without his perfect pair brother there it hadn’t felt right. She was made for both of them, and he knew none of them would feel complete unless all three mated together.

  He inhaled sharply, his breath skimming over his teeth. He had faith that the fates would pull it all together for them when, in a few minutes, he’d have them both in his bedroom.

  A grin spread across his face as happiness flooded inside him like sunshine blessing the ground with its kisses as it rises each morning.

  “Do you really think Scott wants me, Jack? It doesn’t seem like it at all to me.”

  Jack laughed as he heard Scott pull up behind them, his belly rippling with a real humor he hadn’t felt in a decade. This beautiful woman could not be so insecure, surely? His brother’s need for her was as clear as fresh spring water.

  “Oh, he wants you, sweetheart, so bad he’s sweating bullets about how to get away from us tonight before he jumps on you.”

  She gave a high-pitched, nervous laugh and he got out of the car, pulling her into his arms when they reached the front door. Scott’s door slammed as he got out of his own car, and Jack dropped his head and claimed Ash’s mouth with his. Her honeyed sweetness filled his mouth as he licked along the seam of her lips before delving between them.

  Scott cleared his throat loudly behind them, and Ash stiffened in his arms.

  Jack tightened his hold on her to reassure her that she shouldn’t be worried about his brother’s behavior, then slowly pulled back and dropped a kiss on her nose before finally turning away to open the door.

  Chill, bro.

  Like most of his family, he owned a home close to the base of the Rockies, with a substantial parcel of land around it. The location made it safe, not to mention convenient, when they needed to shift and run. Their animals didn’t belong in a cage, no matter how comfortable.

  “Come on in.”

  He walked down the narrow hallway and into the small kitchen. He smiled to himself as he heard the front door close and he pulled open the fridge.

  “You wanna beer, Scott? I’ve got some white wine if you’d like some, Ash?”

  “Yeah, thanks, Jack. That’d be great.”

  He turned to watch his brother and their woman eyeing each other from the doorway. Scott was nodding slowly.

  He grinned and grabbed two beers and the wine. When was Scott going to admit that he really did want the love they’d both been denied all their lives?

  He tilted his head and they all moved into his lounge room, full of old but comfortable furniture. He was proud of his home. It was small but it was paid for, despite the fact that he still continued to financially support his ex and kids.

  “Have a seat.”

  He placed the beers and the bottle of wine down onto the wooden coffee table.

  He snapped his fingers. “Shit!” he swore, turning back to grab a glass for Ash.

  When he returned it was to a very strained atmosphere. Ash was sitting on the couch by herself, and Scott was in the armchair opposite her.

  Crap. You could cut the tension with a knife.

  Time to grab the bull by the horns, so to speak.

  “Hey, bro. Can you move onto the couch with Ash? You’re in my favorite chair.”

  His twin glared at him for a moment, then stiffly got up and sat down on the couch with Ash, staying as far away from their mate as possible.

  Jack swallowed a groan of frustration and took a sip of his beer as he collapsed into his comfortable recliner.

  Ash turned toward Scott, her hands folded elegantly in her lap.

  “So…Jack tells me your ex-wife is a real piece of work.”

  Pain shot through his throat as Jack choked on his beer. He coughed and spluttered but managed to get the alcohol down.

  Scott glared at him for a moment before smiling grimly. Then he relaxed his postur
e and turned toward their outrageous woman.

  “She is.”

  Ash moved closer, but didn’t touch Jack’s twin.

  “Is that why you’ve been reluctant to spend time with me and see if we really are a perfect fit?”

  Fuck, their woman had balls. She wasn’t just outrageous, she was downright aggressive when she wanted something. He needed to make sure he remembered that for future reference.

  Jack thumped himself on the chest to remove the remaining fluid while Scott squirmed and cleared his throat.

  “Ah, yeah, I suppose. I hadn’t really thought about it.”

  Ash narrowed her eyes at Scott and didn’t even spare Jack a glance.

  Good girl.

  She was on a mission and obviously as impatient as Jack was.

  “You’re kidding? We have the electricity thing, you know I could be your perfect match, you’re single, and you’re not even curious to see if it’s true?”

  “If what’s true?” Scott swallowed, his throat working hard.

  “If the legends about perfect pairs are right and that you and Jack are designed to love one woman.”

  Scott turned to him and gave him a look that said exactly what Jack was thinking. He nodded slowly.

  Yeah, she’s gonna keep us on our toes.

  He grinned at his twin and decided to try to help the situation, if he could.

  “Sweetheart, could you give Scott a break for a minute? You know we’ve both spent our whole lives believing the legends were false. You’ve changed everything and we’re trying to catch up.”

  Ash scowled at him. “Yeah, well two days ago I was sure I’d never find a man I could trust and that I was totally unlovable. But you changed all that, and I need to know if Scott is willing to give us a chance. I don’t think I can survive being rejected again when I feel like I’m wide open.”

  Her voice went wobbly and Jack grabbed his beer and tossed it back. He hadn’t really thought about the risk to Ash herself, and he couldn’t answer for Scott. Ash was playing a dangerous game. If she pushed too hard, Scott could bolt.

  He sat back and waited for his twin, who was shifting and rubbing his hands over his pants like he wanted to eradicate the sweat accumulating.