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Stalking the Pharmacist Page 12

  She moved into the modern lounge room and put some distance between her and Jack, dislodging his hands from her and walking across the room.

  “What’s wrong? I don’t know what Scott told you, so I’m not sure what you need.”

  Her poor sweetheart sounded pained, and he probably was. He’d done nothing to hurt her except omit to tell her about their shifting ability. He’d given her so much already, and he didn’t deserve any more grief.

  “It’s all good, Jack. Scott explained everything.”

  She made a mental note to ask Jack about his kids and ex-wife at a later date. His initial explanations seemed to indicate that there wouldn’t be a problem, but she really should check that out.

  “Well, why’d you pull away, then?”

  Jack’s shoulder and arm muscles were flexing and bulging as he shifted from foot to foot. He looked as uncomfortable as a cat on a hot tin roof.

  She burst into a round of giggles at the thought. A little too close to reality.

  He cocked his head to the side, a large grin stretching across his face. “What’s funny, beautiful?”

  She shook her to dismiss the question. “Doesn’t matter. I want to see you guys in lion form again, but this time I want you to let me touch you.”

  “Oh, that’s easy.” Jack growled deep and sexily, causing a shiver to course up Ash’s spine. Then he began ripping at his clothes.

  Scott finally entered the room and watched his brother with a look of shock.

  “What’s happening?”

  Ash smiled at him, putting both hands on her hips and striking a pose.

  “I want to see you guys in lion form, and you have to do what I say since you scared the shit out of me yesterday.”

  Scott chuckled, then began to strip. “Anything you want, my love.”

  Scott’s eyes burned with lust as he undressed. Ash shifted her gaze to where Jack should have been, only to find him gone.


  Very timidly, a Rocky Mountain lion stepped around the couch and lowered its body down until he finally rested his head onto his front paws.

  “Oh wow.” She was frozen in place, adrenaline pumping through her system as she watched a second cinnamon-colored cat stalk up to the first and lay down in the same position.

  God, they’re beautiful.

  Ash swallowed the lump that got stuck in her throat, hairs on her arms prickling in instinctive fear. These animals could tear her apart in a heartbeat if they chose to.

  “Jack?” The lion on the right raised its head for a moment before returning to rest it on his paws.

  “Scott?” The lion on the left stood up and purred before lying back down.

  “Wow. You guys…are stunning. Can I touch you?”

  Both cats rolled over and exposed their bellies like the tamest of house pets.

  Ash giggled, unable to believe they could really understand her so easily in this form. She slowly crept forward, her knees shaking beneath her as she moved. The powerful lions in front of her lay perfectly still as she reached out with trembling hands and ran her fingers through the soft fur over their ribcages.

  She began to laugh. What an incredible moment in time. Not only could she touch these men, she could enjoy their lions whenever she wanted. It was still completely surreal though, and she needed more time to adjust.

  “Okay, please change back. I want my men.”

  Gorgeous cinnamon-and-white fur melted away as her perfect pair reappeared as naked and gorgeous men.

  Jack stroked his hands along her thighs, his touch electric and hot over her leg.

  “Will you mate with us, Ashleigh? Give yourself to us and commit to being ours?”

  She looked between her men, her heart aching with the pleasure and compliment such a question gave her. But it was too soon. She knew it was.

  “You know I adore you, both of you. But I need more time to decide. Is that all right?”

  The men looked at each other. Jack looked disappointed but there was something in Scott’s expression that made her feel as though she had made the right choice.

  Scott took a small step forward. “Is this about the kids, Ash? I know Meaghan would have upset you with all that talk about her mum.”

  Ash glanced away, not really wanting to open up that wound at the moment.

  “I know how teenagers can be, and I know she would have a warped view of how your marriage was.”

  Scott nodded. “She does. My marriage was torture. I only stayed as long as I did for my kids.”

  Ash swallowed hard and glanced at Jack.

  He laughed and put his hands up. “Don’t look at me. I got out ASAP and my ex and I are pretty amicable. I’ll talk to my kids before they come anywhere near you, but they’re pretty chilled out boys.”

  Ash smiled at her hunky man, imagining how beautiful his sons would be.

  Jack took a step forward. “So, does that sort everything out?”

  Ash blinked at him. “Ah…”

  Jack opened his mouth, but Scott beat him to the punch.

  “Take your time. We’ll wait as long as you need us to.”

  Jack nodded and huffed a little. Her poor impatient lion.

  “Bed?” Jack reached for her with his powerful and talented hands.

  Ash nodded slowly, her heart soaring with love for her men. “Yes, but no sex tonight.”

  “What?” Jack jerked upright, and Scott grabbed her hand.

  “Did we do something wrong?”

  She shook her head. “No, not at all. But I’ve had a huge couple of days and I need to just be held and feel close to you both. Can we do that?”

  It was still light out but her men took her to bed and undressed her down to her knickers. They were naked themselves and they allowed her full access to touch and feel them as she desired. She spoke softly to them as she enjoyed their powerful muscles and soft skin, but never once did she feel pressured or inadequate because of her lack of sexuality.

  Jack and Scott returned all of her love, giving her all the intimacy and reassurances she needed. Every cell in her body was buzzing with happiness and light.

  They massaged her and touched her for hours until she fell into a deep, restful sleep. Her dreams of what life could become were slowly coming true.


  The heat of his morning coffee seeped through the ceramic mug and warmed his hands. A sigh escaped Scott’s lips, and a lightness of heart he hadn’t felt in over twenty years invaded his chest.

  Ash had changed everything.

  Only a week ago, every morning, Scott had to pull himself out of bed, dreading the day to come. His work was great, his home was clean, and he had the freedom to do whatever he wanted. But a terrible feeling of emptiness had occupied his body every second of every day. This morning it was gone.

  He inhaled through his nose and breathed out through his mouth. His usually busy brain was completely at peace. A full night of affection, loving kisses, and words had been enough to convince him that Ashleigh really was their intended mate. The woman had been custom made just for them. He’d never been so happy, and the best part was that it was just the beginning. They had their whole life ahead of them, and he could honestly say that his woman was the most incredible female he’d ever met in his life.

  Fate, it seemed, had been kind to them after all.

  His phone began to ring and he glanced down.

  Kerry. Just great.

  Negative thoughts began to pour back in as did the clenching of his belly. What did she want now? Should he even answer? It was seven o’clock in the morning. Maybe something was wrong with the kids? Fuck! He had to answer.

  With a grimace, he answered the phone, sluggishly pulling up the mental barriers he always needed when talking with his ex-wife.


  “What the fuck is this I hear about you and Jack finding your mate? You always said I was your mate!”

  His skull squeezed tight around his brain, making his eyes ache
. He had said that, to try to reassure her that she didn’t need to be so insecure all of the time. It had never worked, and her jealousy and pettiness had ripped them apart, destroying their relationship from the inside out.

  “We didn’t work out for more than one reason, Kerry, and the main one is probably because Jack and I are a perfect pair. The legends always said we’d find one woman that suited us both.”

  And of course, you’re a fucking bitch, but you won’t accept that as a reason.

  “What a load of shit! You never believed in those fairytales before.”

  Scott took a deep breath and let it out slowly. His blood pressure was rising just listening to that high-pitched voice of hers.

  “That’s true, I didn’t. But I’ve been proven wrong.”

  “You?” She scoffed loudly. “The perfect, intelligent, oh-so-talented Scott Tanner? You’re never wrong, remember?”

  Scott clenched his hand into a fist. “I’m wrong, and often, but unlike some, I’m willing to admit to it when I am.”

  “Unlike me you mean? That’s right, start telling me how it’s all my fault, when we both know it’s not. You gave up on me, remember, Scott? You walked away from me and the kids that you said you loved! You promised me you’d never leave me.”

  Scott gripped the phone hard and squeezed his eyes shut, remembering the night he’d promised her that. All those years ago when he was sure he could make her love him enough to be a good wife and a decent mother to their brood. He’d known on some level he’d been wrong, and later, when the choice had come to either kill himself to get away from the depression and pain, or move out, he’d made his choice. It had been much harder than simply ending his life, and he’d regretted his cowardice many times. During the five years he’d lived alone she’d continued to torture him and, compounded with the loneliness, he really had wanted to kill himself.

  Not anymore. Thanks to Ash, he felt no guilt about his ex-wife. He also felt no need to placate her. With a smile, he cut off his ex-wife’s rambling.

  “It’s been five years. You really need to move on. Now, do you need something, Kerry? I’m busy.”

  She growled through the phone, and his lion rose inside him. God, how they’d fought in the past. Mostly words, but there’d been nights when his lion had risen and roared through him, demanding he rip her limb from limb. It had been mostly willpower and some luck that he’d never given in to the urge.

  “How dare you threaten our daughter, and over that little whore you and your brother are fucking? You know that’s sick, right? You are totally perverted. We will never forgive you, and I will make sure…”

  Her voice disappeared as he did something he’d never done before. He hung up on her. There was a small amount of pride, but mostly there was pain. He may have just lost the family he’d sacrificed everything for. Losing the stress of Kerry was a relief, but his children were his life.

  He flicked his phone to silent and threw it in the direction of the lounge room, the phone making a thud as it hit the carpet.

  He wrapped his hands back around his coffee and searched for the peace he’d woken with this morning. Acid burned in his belly and he groaned. She’d got in, the fucking bitch. His ex-wife was like a leech. Feeding on his pain. Draining every drop of energy out of his blood.

  He sipped the coffee, feeling the tension in his shoulders gather and tighten.


  He sat there for another ten minutes and finished his coffee. When the happiness he’d woken up with didn’t return, he moved to his study and got into his work. His lion was still vibrating with rage. Would he ever be free to be happy?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Ash stretched and groaned, deliciously warm and being snuggled by a big, cuddly male.

  “Good morning.” She smiled as he kissed her neck and bumped his pelvis against her, his hard cock pressing into her bum. Ash’s body responded instantly, her pussy tightening and pulsing in anticipation of what was to come.

  “Good morning to you too.”

  She smiled up at her beautiful footballer and reached out for her scientist. The other side of the bed was cold, and Ash couldn’t stop her hands from searching the space. She didn’t like the fact he was gone already. Scott said he was committed to being with her, but there was something holding him back. It was time she worked out what it was. She pulled herself out of bed and heard Jack groan behind her.

  “Where are you going, beautiful?”

  She wasn’t quite sure.

  “I think I need to find Scott.”

  He should still be in bed with them, especially after the awesome night they’d had. Where was he?

  Jack let out a groan and collapsed back onto their bed.

  She pulled on the grey singlet Jack had left on the floor, the cotton floating down over her body and covering her to mid thigh.

  “Well, get back here ASAP!” Jack called out after her, his frustration making her giggle as she moved through the house, looking for her tortured hero.

  Last night had been amazing, but there were still things she needed to learn about Scott. He wasn’t as simple as Jack. With her big footballer, most of his scars were on the surface and he was honest and comfortable with them. You knew what you were getting with him. Scott was different.

  She turned the corner into Scott’s beautiful lounge room and saw his dark head in front of a computer screen.

  “Here you are, my lovely one.”

  The words flowed out of her mouth without conscious direction. He whirled around, his face shocked and a little dark.

  She needed to bridge the gap, and quickly.

  “Good morning.” She gave him her brightest smile and cupped his cheeks, kissing him with all the love in her heart.

  He moaned and kissed her back, slipping his tongue into her mouth so she sucked on it, reveling in his sweet flavor and the way he shivered beneath her hands. She loved how he did that. It was as though he’d never been touched before.

  She pulled back slowly, rubbing her nose against his.

  “Couldn’t wait to get working?”

  She pulled back and straightened, giving him a slightly pissed off look.

  He shrugged, his mouth pulling down on the side. “I can’t sleep past six, so I got up to have a shower and a coffee, but planned to come back after that.”

  Ash glanced at the clock. It was past eight.

  “What happened, then?”

  His mouth pulled tight again and Ash sighed. “Let’s go sit on the couch.”

  She didn’t let him answer, just turned and walked over to the couch, dropping down onto the soft leather and waiting for him.

  It took a moment, but he was soon sitting opposite her, his hands clenched in his lap.

  “Where’s Jack?” he asked, his right leg jiggling in an annoying way.

  “He’s probably gone back to sleep.” She shrugged to indicate that Jack was the last of her concerns. “You all right?”

  He mimicked her shrug and glanced away for a moment, then looked back with a bleak look in his eyes.

  “Yeah, of course.”

  Ash needed to push forward, but she didn’t know enough yet to even guess right, or did she? There only seemed to be one thing that made Scott flinch—a small blonde who’d birthed his offspring.

  “Did your ex or one of your kids call you?”

  His head came up, his eyes widening.

  Yes! Right on target.

  “Ah, yeah. How’d you know? My ex called this morning.”

  Ash made a disgusted noise. That woman sounded like hell in a skirt.

  “And what did the bitch want?”

  A shocked laugh came out of Scott, while Ash huffed and crossed her arms. “You know she’s nothing to you anymore, Scott. If you’ve got me, you can let go of whatever link you have to her.”

  Scott’s face grew taut. “I don’t have any connections to her anymore, except for the kids of course.”

  Ash grimaced. This was a hard conversa
tion for them to have but it had to be done.

  “I don’t have any kids, so I can’t really imagine what it must feel like to be linked to someone like that, but I know that people only have power over you when you allow it.”

  Scott grimaced and huffed a little. “I don’t let her, it’s just… I don’t know.”

  Ash flexed her fingers and took another slow breath. “Okay, let’s leave that topic alone. Can we talk about you and me? You feel colder this morning. Further away from me.”

  Scott stared at her and didn’t speak, so Ash plowed forward, calling on every instinct she had.

  “Are you worried about our connection not lasting, or me preferring your twin? Or what? I just can’t shake the feeling that you’re not committed the way Jack is?”

  And she knew Scott wasn’t as into the relationship as his brother was. She could feel Jack’s love like a never-ending fountain of heat and power. Scott was only giving her what he had to, what he thought was enough. It wasn’t. She needed his all. That sort of imbalance would never work in their family.

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  She laughed. She had to. Crying was the only other option and she may still end up doing so in the near future. “Oh please. I know you’re holding back on me, which is the main reason I can’t fully mate with you guys yet. How can I when you don’t really want me?”

  Oh shit!

  Her voice broke as tears gathered in her throat and she swallowed them down.

  “Of course I want you, Ashleigh. You’re our mate.”

  A pressure gasket burst in her chest and she screamed at him. “I’m not going to stay just because I’m your mate! This relationship has to be about love and affection, not obligation and duty!”

  She pushed herself back on the sofa and crossed her arms over her chest, her breathing labored. She forced herself to continue, though her instincts were screaming at her to get up and walk out on him. He was just sitting there doing nothing!