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Except for select brand names and businesses, this book is a work of fiction. Names, places, events and characters are fictitious. Any similarities to actual events or persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental.
Double Your Pleasure
© 2008 Mary Suzanne
ISBN 978-1-934446-32-4
Cover Design by Viper
All rights reserved. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.
Published by
Romance Divine LLC
Other Romance Divine LLC Books
Mary Suzanne
Rekindled Love
The glamorous life of a fashion model was not without perils…of the heart. For Cassie, it meant an erotic photo shoot with an old lover. Had Antonio forgotten her? Could she hide her feelings, even as his body meshed with hers while the cameras clicked? In the ruins of an old castle, Cassie finds a REKINDLED LOVE.
Can dreams come true? Can we imagine our perfect love…and then have it sail into our life? Matt Martin had the chance to live happily ever after, a ghost of a chance. Would he take it, or break the spell?
Loving Katie
Storm clouds are brewing, both on the horizon and inside Katie Jordash. To escape the rain, she finds refuge with Ryan McDermott inside a cave. As the heavens open, so does her heart, for the first time. But years later, will a deadly tornado, and a tempest named Carol, keep Katie from living happily ever after?
Josh Braslet was a regular at the Corral Bar, but he wasn’t out to rope and tame a peroxide filly. He was after a stallion in denim, Jake Talbot. Both Josh and Jake know what they want, but will family – and fate – get in the way of their happily ever after?
Jenny fought through the heavy brush searching for the path that led to the main highway. She felt twigs brushing against her bare arms, scratching them painfully. She’d been in these woods more than once in the past, but tonight everything looked the same to her. The forest enveloped her, shadows bounced from rocks and trees, bringing them to life. Everything had a different shape and form, and she felt fear rise in her throat.
She wouldn’t be in this predicament if her car hadn’t quit on the frontage road. On her way home from shopping at the small town she’d decided to use a shortcut, but it hadn’t helped. This was where she’d found her journey cut short.
As she moved stealthily across the root-filled pathway, strange noises filled the night air. One she identified as a hooting owl off in the distance, but she didn’t recognize the next sound. She felt her heart race in fright. Up ahead, she spotted a tree stump, and after reaching it, she plopped down with a heavy sigh. Maybe a little rest would make things easier for her in finding her way along the trail. She sat, trying to still her racing heart, but the mosquitoes buzzing around her legs decided to make her a meal. Damn, now what am I going to do? she thought as she slapped at the mosquitoes.
Jenny reached in her back pocket and pulled out her cell phone. She couldn’t figure out why she hadn’t remembered it before, instead of tramping all this way. She’d simply make a call to someone and find her way out of this frightening place.
Her parents were out of town and besides, they didn’t know she’d returned a month early from college. The only other person she could call was a neighbor that lived a mile away in the farming community. She dialed the number and lifted the phone to her ear, but there wasn’t a dial tone. Shit! She looked around, nothing but trees, rocks, moonlight and shadows. Well, that idea isn’t going to work, not a freakin’ cell tower in sight.
Of all times to have car problems, she should have put the car in the shop last week, but she’d kept putting it off and now she was in a predicament. Lost in the woods wasn’t how she pictured her day ending.
After a time, she decided to try to make it a little further, hoping she was going in the right direction. Most of the wooded area in the farm fields of Illinois was isolated. Just as she started out, she heard a piercing scream echo through the woods. Her throat tightened as the urgency to escape overwhelmed her. She started to run but didn’t get far. Her foot caught in one of the roots sticking out of the ground and she stumbled forward in an ungraceful heap, hitting her head on a rock.
Brilliant lights filled her head as blackness washed over her. She heard moaning and realized it came from her. She kept floating in and out of unconsciousness and felt nauseous. Suddenly, she couldn’t remember her own name. She didn’t have any clue to what she was doing in this remote area. Another noise caught her attention, but she couldn’t identify it. A black void enveloped her and she drifted off.
When she came around again, someone was lifting her. She felt strong arms holding her tightly against an equally strong chest. Bright lights popped on and off behind her eyelids. Pain creased a path across her forehead, and she moaned again softly trying to raise her hand to block it out. She tried wriggling free of the tight hold, without success. From the brief impression of the person holding her, she didn’t feel as if her rescuer meant her any harm. No, if he’d wanted to, he’d already have tried something. She relaxed and felt comforted in the strong arms draped around her.
She glanced up through her long dark lashes and saw the outline of a face. What she saw looked ruggedly handsome, but with her head in such a whirl, she couldn’t be sure. Then, a man to her left with the same facial features filled her line of vision. Confusion filled her, this couldn’t be right. Surely, she must be hallucinating and she’d wake up soon to find she’d had a bad dream. There couldn’t be two identical men rescuing her. Maybe she was seeing double. A hysterical sensation swept through her over her unstable emotions, but the black void returned, blotting out everything.
The following day she awoke in a king-sized bed, in a rustic cabin. Her gaze drifted around the room trying to identify her surroundings. There wasn’t a thing that looked familiar. She looked around the room and spotted a mirror on the table next to the bed. Hope filled her as she picked it up; maybe if she got a look at her face, she might be able to remember her identity. That small hope was the only thing that kept her from panicking again.
As she glanced in the mirror, she saw how her long brunette hair needed a good brushing. A heart shaped face and green eyes looked back at her in the glass. She still didn’t find anything coming back to her over her identity. Another feeling of fright filled her. Who am I; where am I?
She thought about the person that had carried her to safety and his companion. Surely, if either man meant to harm her, they would have already. She heard a noise distracting her from trying to jog her memory back. She glanced over to her left as the door opened and in walked a man wearing only a towel draped across his lean tanned hips. Another man, fully dressed, was close on his heels. A frown settled across her smooth brow realizing that these two men were identical twins.
She took her time in studying everything about them. They stood well over six feet with muscular builds that made her breathless. Dark eyes, chiseled features, and shoulder length dark hair made up the two handsome hunks. The thought that the twins were invading her space didn’t bother her. She could only stare, open-mouthed at the handsome male specimens. These men sent vibrations through her without really trying; their overpowering presence was enough
to excite her.
Her gaze zeroed in on both sets of full lips. She silently wondered what they would feel like if they possessed her mouth in a long kiss. A yearning filled her to experience their possession, yet she couldn’t explain her reaction.
She noticed both men glancing toward the bed. One man moved closer to her side. For the longest time, he studied her face before eventually speaking. “Who are you?” he asked as he placed his hand on her forehead to check her temperature. The other man was a silent observer.
“I can’t remember,” she murmured, yielding to the feel of his gentle caress. “I lost my memory when I hit my head.”
“We found you lying in the woods,” he said in a husky tone, sending another wanton feeling racing through her.
“Thank you,” she murmured, staring into his dark eyes and feeling mesmerized by his intent stare. She tried looking away, but the effort was too great.
As they continued to study each other, his next action surprised her. He leaned over her and the towel swept forward revealing his cock beneath the terry cloth barrier. It was huge, although blood hadn’t yet engorged it with excitement, but still, the size had her fantasizing about what it would look like fully aroused. This also made her wonder about the silent man, watching, waiting. She couldn’t stop thinking about how the hard sheath would feel wedged tightly in her pussy.
She glanced up at him and noticed how he watched her face as she inspected his cock. She saw a movement to her right; the other twin had removed his clothing. A frown covered her face, what…what’s happening? Thoughts kept crowding her mind, who was she and why did she find such an interest in the two stranger’s bodies? Not knowing anything about her past life, she wondered if she was a promiscuous person, I’m here…with two men, and… There wasn’t any way she could find out, so she leaned back to enjoy the scenery. What’s the harm in that? She smiled. The men were walking dreams and a strange desire took her.
The twin with the towel smiled at her, and instead of securing the cloth around him, he continued to let her get a clear view of his equipment. The other man had already stripped down and stood butt naked near the bed. Neither showed any sign of embarrassment over their nudity. Just the opposite, they were proud of their physiques and seemed to be enjoying the exhibition. Their dark eyes glowed with pleasure – and lust.
“Like what you see?” towel man asked in a husky whisper, running his tongue across his lips in anticipation for what he thought was going to happen.
As she watched his small gesture, she felt her blood sing through her veins. Just the sight of that little enticement with his tongue caused a sexual upheaval to race through her. She didn’t want to admit it, but she wanted these two strangers. The Adonis image of each man made her heart race and moistened her sex. She felt the heavy thumping in her chest and wondered if either man could hear her state of exhilaration.
The twin nearest her locked his dark gaze with hers. She couldn’t break his hold over her, and silently encouraged him with a look to take possession of her lips. She felt on fire and hoped the other man would join in the ménage.
It didn’t take him long to slowly lower his head to hers. She waited impatiently for his capture; she couldn’t give herself to him fast enough. His mouth took possession of hers. She’d been holding her breath over the intensity of the moment, but slowly let it out when she felt his warm breath on her mouth.
Finally, I get to experience those sensuous lips instead of just dreaming about them. He didn’t disappoint her. His tongue entered her mouth moving with the stealth of a snake in hot pursuit of its prey. And its prey was her tongue, waiting for the eventual strike. The dance of their tongues set her senses on fire wanting more. He reached deeper into her offered mouth exploring every inch of her. A whirling sensation spread through her head, as she yielded to her sensual pursuer.
When he lifted his mouth from hers, she feared their intimacy had ended and despair consumed her. She smiled as he pulled on the corner of his towel and flung it across the room. Her gaze quickly devoured the smooth flesh revealed to her, and her eyes lingered on the cock slowly filling with blood. She felt as if she was drowning in pleasure over his magnificent body.
There was a need in her to touch his body, feel the strength of his muscles and hold his warmth next to her. She couldn’t understand these newfound emotions since she didn’t have any idea about her morals or character. I don’t know who I am, but I know what I want. Her foggy thought process was only thinking one thing and that was appeasing her desires for his flesh.
He reached up and gently removed the lightweight jacket she wore. She rose up to give him easier access to her clothing. Next, he unbuttoned her blouse with slow deliberate movements and moved to the zip on her jeans. It didn’t take long for the stranger to drop her clothing onto the floor joining the towel he’d pitched aside earlier.
She lay before him in the stillness, clad only in her brassiere and panties, without feeling a bit of embarrassment. He took the longest time in letting his gaze capture every inch of her half-nude body. She didn’t miss how his penis had swollen even more, jutting out from his muscular body.
Slowly, he unsnapped her brassiere. He pushed the bra aside and it sailed toward the floor, her breasts spilling out, full and luscious in the fire lit room. Next, he gave his full attention to her panties that barely hid her hair-covered mound. He tenderly slipped his fingers beneath the waistband and pulled them down slowly.
The stranger closest to her began kissing her lips hungrily. She hadn’t paid any attention to the other man standing near the bed. All she cared for was kissing the man holding her close and submitting fully to him. When she felt the other man’s hungry mouth capture her silky fold and caress it with his tongue, she arched her hips higher to give him easier access to her warmth.
The brothers continued their sexual exploration of her body, bringing her passions she’d never felt. The twin that had kissed her so sexually moments ago started moving down toward her pussy to join his brother. It wasn’t long until she felt the tongues of both men caressing and sucking greedily on her fiery slit. She’d never felt such excitement in her life.
One of the twins started moving up her leg again, kissing each new spot that he came to, and she couldn’t believe the rush of adrenaline swiftly filling her. The other man made a meal of her heated pussy while his brother eventually found her breast and captured her nipple between his teeth.
To her surprise, the twin nibbling on her breast raised his head and gazed into her slumberous eyes. His dark eyes held a questioning look. “Once we finish the foreplay and start making love to you in earnest, we won’t be able to stop.”
His low whisper sounded so sensual that she shuddered in anticipation. “I wouldn’t want either of you stopping,” she mewed with a yearning that filled her body for these sexy looking strangers positioned between her legs and sucking greedily on her raised nipples. She couldn’t have found the strength to stop them even if she wanted to. She felt so caught up in the wondrous sensations caused by their tender strokes and caresses to her body that she continued to quiver with expectations.
“That’s all I wanted to hear.” His words were muffled by the warmth of her breasts.
“Me, too,” said the other as he kissed a heated trail across the soft skin of her inner thigh.
Dipping his head lower, his lips found her pussy. She felt his tongue invading her cavity and raised her hips to invite this pleasurable act even more. She moved back and forth, as his tongue moved in and out of her heated warmth. A feeling of exhilaration coursed through her body, invoking new waves of desire. When he withdrew his tongue from her vagina, she hadn’t prepared herself for his next action. He captured her clit between his sensuous lips and sucked the meaty protrusion. With his lips still positioned on her clit, she felt him gently nibbling on her. The sensation rocked her world; she couldn’t stop her legs and body from thrashing across the bed.
Suddenly, she felt such an intense orgasm, h
er body shook uncontrollably. She reached down and held his head in place as spasm after spasm seized her. Once the shaking movements stopped, he remained in the same position, offering pleasure to her pussy. The next orgasm came swiftly to her. She reached down for the second time and cupped his face with her hands holding it in place. A wave of desire winged its way through her body. Juice flowed from her nether hole and she felt his tongue lapping it up to make sure he didn’t miss a drop.
The twin that had been kissing her moved down her body straddling her and sliding his hard penis into her hot, wet channel. The other made his way to the side of the bed, slowly cupped her face and turned her head toward him. She felt his fingers gently graze her lips and she automatically sucked greedily on the fingers he’d inserted. He gently pulled them out and pushed his hard shaft into her open mouth. She didn’t object to what he was suggesting she do.
His smooth length slid into her throat, while the other’s hard sheath filled her wetness. Their actions sent her mind spiraling into another universe. She’d never felt this much pleasure in her life.
The cock filling her throat gave a sudden jerk and she felt her throat fill with his thick seed. She could feel his shuddering response as she continued to suck and hold his hard length deep in her throat.
Suddenly, she felt the climax rushing through her; she couldn’t control the shaking of her body. The excitement filled every part of her as hot cum shot into her waiting cavity.
She was surprised when the twin fucking her got off the bed and stood alongside watching his brother. He removed his cock from her mouth and made his way between her legs. It felt so sensual to her when he ran his tongue into her puckered opening just after his brother filled it with hot cum. The very act brought a new tide of lust through her for more of the same. He continued running his tongue in and out until there wasn’t a drop left. He continued to suck the hardened nub until she felt a spasm rock her again.